Communicate. Empower. Transcend.

My Ugly: a journey to the bottom and back

My Ugly: a journey to the bottom and back

Generally speaking, I am not a cranky person, so this after-effect of the flu truly puzzled me. It seemed that everything and everyone set me on edge, and irritation quickly turned to anger. I felt myself spiraling further down the rabbit hole and decided to stay away, to surrender, retreat and suffer through this on my own. At one point I wondered if the inflammation had settled in my brain; still my work remained so elusive.

That’s when writer’s block set in, and from past experience, I expected a deep and long depression to follow. Dark thoughts pulled at me and I succumbed to gravity. Emotional gravity — a small voice spoke inside my head. At that moment I experienced a keen awareness and realized that emotional gravity pulled me downward, that I allowed the illness, the fatigue, and anger to press upon me and keep me down.

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Rapprochement at BurgerFi

Rapprochement at BurgerFi

We have a family tradition of gathering on Sundays at BurgerFi in South Austin. BurgerFi, a small and seemingly little-known chain, happens to make some of the best burgers in town: grass-fed, hormone-free, organic beef that simply tastes better than most burgers I’ve tried. The place is located at Mopac and Slaughter Lane, in the Alamo Slaughter shopping center.

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A Sticky Mess: demographics of 2016

A Sticky Mess: demographics of 2016

We are a nation of immigrants: generations and generations of us. I am the great-granddaughter of a Scot-Irishman, the granddaughter of a German coal miner; I am the daughter of a woman who started work at the Wrangler Jeans factory in Coal County, OK, when I was four years old (that factory closed and the business moved to Mexico about 15-20 years ago). My late father was a rancher who took a day job paving roads in Oklahoma and Texas. I come from hard working, strong people.

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The One-Sided Case of the Backward Clock

The One-Sided Case of the Backward Clock

By the age of six I understood kairos and retreated into this state as often as I could. Looking back I now thank the trickster, the backward clock. The ripple effect of its presence quite possibly left me with an uncanny ability to move backward, not literally, but seemingly as if in retrograde (from the Latin word retrogradus – meaning “backward-step”). Not that I am backward thinking, but that I think in a backward motion.

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“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.
But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.” – Mother Teresa


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